Coming Soon. The Thin Black Line, a short story in three parts

I’m excited about a new writer that will be joining me. Her story, The Thin Black Line, will appear in three parts, the first starting tomorrow, April 22. It will continue for the following two Fridays.Brogan knows discipline, from a young Tae Kwan Do student working through the forms, to tours as an MP in Iraq and Afghanistan. She applied the same discipline earning a Master’s degree. She’s gifted with an imagination that allows her to create thought-provoking stories. Brogan now lives and works in the District of Columbia. If you have a short story you would like to submit, send… Keep reading“Coming Soon. The Thin Black Line, a short story in three parts”

What are you afraid of?

Something about a story caught my eye. I don’t usually read Parade. It comes tucked in with my Sunday newspaper. But there it was, a question on the cover asking “What are you afraid of?” With all of the fear mongering coming from the candidates on a particular side of the political divide, I would think I had a lot to be afraid of. I hear from them that we are being overrun by aliens (and not just the ones from outer space). I’m being told the economy is in ruins now, and will only get worse. Crazed suicide bombers… Keep reading“What are you afraid of?”