By 2035, the world will be a dangerous place. When the four horsemen, pestilence, famine, war and death, come riding in, will JL witness the end of days or a witness a hopeful future?

For a fan of historical fiction, An Assassination of E. Hemingway has it all, a thriller filled with conspiracies, revolutions, double-dealing, lies disguised as propaganda, assassination, and wars.

The Two Sides: the time between no longer and not yet. A story based on the murder and aftermath of a young, aspiring TV journalist covering a breaking story in Orlando, Florida on 22 February 23. Contacted by his fiancé and mother, I agreed to honor his life and use the opportunity to further the dialogue about gun violence and the safety of journalists. I’ve written the story to issue a call to action, describing the all-too-short life of a unique person, Dylan Colby Lyons, and his potential to be a nationally known reporter and anchor.
Have we not heard the words “our thoughts and prayers” enough? Any dialogue on gun violence will meet strong headwinds, but we need to talk about the elephant in our collective living rooms.